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Сите патишта водат до Рим

Сите патишта водат до Рим Платформата е наменета да служи на виртуелната заедница.

Вклучувањето на сите партнери е круцијално за зголемување на влијанието и вредноста на проектот Сите патишта водат кон Рим. The involvement of the associated partners is instrumental to increasing the impact and value of All Routes Lead to Rome Project. На партнерите ќе им биде понудена, како награда за нивниот придонес и посветеност, достапност до сите проектни активности (особено во процесот на Дисеминација) , ран пристап до резултати од проектот и секако ќе бидат истакнати во ОER платформата.


Next Eu is an Association that aims to promote Circular Economy and Sustainability, working with local stakeholders and Institutions to seize the opportunities coming from Next Generation EU programme and the PNRR for the economic development in the South of Italy.

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FIDAPA BPW Italy is an association of about 10,000 members in Italy and is a part of the IFBPW (International Federation of Business and Professional Women). It consists of 300 sections distributed throughout the country, grouped into 7 districts. The Federation aims to promote, coordinate and support the initiatives of women working in the fiel...

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BoostAbruzzo is a not-for-profit organisation which aims at fostering and supporting entrepreneurship in the Italian region of Abruzzo through the support of an international network of highly qualified professionals. We provide pro-bono mentorship programmes to start-ups, industrial and public stakeholders to help them achieve a broad range of str...

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Tribeka Training Lab

Providing the best work experiences, training courses, workshops and seminars for students and adults, Tribeka is dedicated to bring value into every aspect of training and learning mobility. As partner of schools from all over Europe it has become the best and most successful Spanish work experience provider agency in the education sector. W...

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The Asociación al Servicio de la Investigación y la Tecnología (ASIT) / Association for the Service of Research and Technology is a private non-profit association which designs and manages projects related to technology development and local levels since 1989. Since its foundation in 1989, ASIT has fostered the creation and development of num...

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Arrabal Aid

ARRABAL-AID is a social and non-profit organization. Our , FROM 1992, is to work for full employment and social integration of people, especially the most vulnerable, supporting them through measures and actions to impact on the social environment. We must take good care of all people and taking care of the quality we give in our services, making t...

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IT Solutions for all

IT Solutions for all is a non-profit organization based in Malaga, Spain, that seeks promoting training on ICT technologies for low-skilled people and disadvantaged groups. IT Solutions For All 's mission is to provide free technological consulting services and integral solutions in the field of information, communication and management too...

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